Monday, September 20, 2010

Patriotic pictures

Jeffrey and I had an amazing opportunity to get some patriotic pictures taken. They took place a Tempe Beach Park, the had a memorial set up for all the lives lost on September 11th, each flag represented a life! It was such an amazing experience!

Thank you Susie!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

phone call!

On Monday the 13th I got a phone call from Joel!! After 5 weeks man it was so nice hearing his voice! At first I didn't recognize his voice, he was on a pay phone so everything was scratchy and hard to hear. We got to talk for about 5 minutes, he is doing so good still loving every minute of it! I told him I booked a flight to come see him in October he was so excited, then I told him Jeffrey was coming he was beyond words excited ... so happy that Im bringing him also! Those 5 minutes went by so quick but they are just what I needed to get through these next couple of weeks!

I have received a few more letters....
They are on week 6 only a few more too go
They had to qualify to move to the next phase.. on September 11th they went to the shooting range and Joel shot EXPERT! Yeah go Joel! Which mean he gets a special coin at graduation and gets to shake the Battalion Commanders hand which is a huge honor.

Joel talked a lot about missing everything back home like some good food from Famous Dave's haha, he said its weird not knowing what is going on in the world from news to the latest a new music.
He loves being a leader for his guys, he continues to enjoy his role as infantry. There is a lot of talk of deployment ranging from Afgan to the Arizona border. Only time will tell, only a few more weeks till Jeffrey and I get to go see him!!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


I am Proud to be a AMERICAN!
I love this country!
I am so proud of my hubby for serving our country!
I am so thankful for all the soldiers out there serving our country is so many ways!
Today we remember 9/11....
I will never forgot where I was, how scared I felt and those images on the t.v. that were being played over and over again.
I just remember how much everyone came together "United We Stand" was said over and over again
I am so thankful for my freedom!

It has been 5 weeks since I have talked to Joel :(
I miss him a lot
I'm having such a hard time trying to "keep" up with everything... bills, yard work, Jeffrey, laundry etc...
I have a new appreciation for single moms out there!
However I booked my flight to see him next month, I know it will be here before I know it!!!

As for Joel I keep receiving letters, he is doing very well! On day 28 is was officially in "white phase" = more shower time and hopefully a phone call soon! They spent all day at the range today, Joel hit all 90 rounds on target. Yesterday they had hand to hand combat all day, that night they didn't see the Drill Sgt walk into the room and He got mad! Drill Sgt. made them do 600 overhead arm claps! Man 600 of anything sounds painful to me!

Day 29: Joel made Squad leader!!! He was picked by his platoon! So now they get to sing when the march and they get to march with out the Drill Sgt. He is in charge of 13 guys, if they mess up Joel gets in trouble. If any guys have any problems they go to Joel first, then he talks the Platoon leader etc... He is so excited to show all his leadership skills to all his buddies!

Sounds like he is doing great, and still loving every moment of it!
I can't wait to see him in a couple of weeks!!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

a long month....

so far I have not received a phone call from Joel since August 6th :( Im really hoping that I will be able to talk to him soon.
However he does write a lot of letters which helps with my sanity
here is a little glimpse into basic....

Day 21 Joel Got to go the range and learned range safety got to shoot their M4. Had to clean their bay for 4 hours (man thats a long time spent on cleaning). He said the Drill Sgt's are crazy they are always getting "smoked"someone is always messing up and getting everyone else into trouble. The food is sometimes good they had biscuits and gravy for breakfast today.

Day 22: 3 weeks down 1/3 done with basic almost there. Today they went to the Combat simulator Joel said it was like a giant game of duck hunt (I love nintendo thank you :) He had 3 shifts of flag duty which is helping raise their battalion American Flag. Not getting a lot of sleep, only 3 one hour naps last night. There is a thunderstorm rolling in...

Day 24: Everyone is counting down the days until they are out of red phase and into white phase (Red phase= hardcore White Phase = a little less hardcore) Unfortunately everyone keeps messing up so the Drill Sgt are keeping them there... so far to this day Joel has not messed up! Yeah!
The Drill Sgt took the top 3 trouble makers of the platoon and "smoked them" for 45 minutes in front tons of people, I guess they had it coming to them. Joel said he got to go the church on Sunday he loves singing worship with hundreds on soldiers he said "I imagine this is how Angels sound in heaven." They all went on a 4 mile march with 40-50lbs of gear... they get haircuts every other week...sometimes food is delivered to their barracks and they can eat outside other times they are eating MRE's

Day 25: Its thunder-storming pretty good lots of rain, thunder and lighting (which helps keep the temp low) Somebody forgot their weapon in their bay and they had a negligent discharge of a weapon during practice. Someone actually fired off a round but good thing it was blank other wise someone would have died. The guy who left is gun is getting a Article 15 ( Joel didn't say what that means but it doesn't sound good to me)

I did find out from Joel that "family day" is October 7th or 8th and his 36 hour pass is October 9th and 10th! Im so excited I going to go up there and visit!!!

He sounds great but he does miss everyone, however he loves getting letters and pictures from everybody so THANK YOU!!!