Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Road Trip

We have officially moved.... 
to KC, MO 
We are loving every moment of it!
We drove for 2 days around 22 hours...
with a 18mo girl and a 4 year old boy and our boxer :)
how did we do it?
Well I picked out new toys (from the dollar store) and every time they were getting a little crazy I handed them a new toy super exciting!
We also had books and a ipad definitely helped pass the time
We however did not have a DVD player on with a movie on after another
It was really cool to watch our kids find something to do with out throwing technology at them
We limited the ipad use and Jeffrey our oldest got to play some games on it every now and then.
We were able to stop in El Paso, Texas and visit the kids Great Granddad what a treat! 

We really enjoyed our trip!
Our kids slept a lot of the road trip which was very helpful