Monday, April 16, 2012

Baby Food

Its that time again.... baby food time!
My little peanut is growing way too fast
With Jeffrey I bought all the baby food at the store and told myself that next baby I will make my own food!
So I did! Super easy I buy all my produce at Fresh and Easy great prices and great produce.
I add a little bit of water then blend in my magic bullet... and now I have baby food. (There are tons of recipes out there if you want to get fancy)
Storing the food got a little tricky so I bought Freshfoods™ Freezer Tray at Walmart for a few bucks to store the food in the freezer.
I would just defrost one cube at time or 2 depending on the day
I wanted to get glass baby food jars to re- heat or store in the fridge but I had to used all mine up for craft projects. So I decided to buy a few "random" food items just so the baby could try them.
I clean them and now ready to re-use
I noticed however that in the fridge I couldn't tell some foods apart like "green beans" vs "green peas" and Liberty was quite picky about what foods she liked so I came up with the idea of creating a mini Chalk board on the jar, that why I could write out what food it was and also the date.It work out great!
I used chalk board paint ( a couple of coats )
Let it dry
and good to go....
Making my own baby food and been so much cheaper and super easy!
Well worth it!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Update on my Brother

Hey, this is to update you on Corey's status. Yesterday he had a 90 day Care Plan, we talked about how he is doing on dialysis, his diet, blood pressure/medication changes and transplant.

Dialysis is going well. His attitude towards being on dialysis has dramatically improved, he is making the best of his time there and has even seen positive benefits other than feeling better. They spend every day he is there doing social interaction games, educating him on his situation, problem solving for current and future issues...

We talked about his blood pressure. He has mild hypertrophy in the heart wall and ventricular septum. They are rearranging the way he takes his meds for now and are looking at increasing his Amlodipine and Enalapril if he continues to have high blood pressure.

He has started epogen shots for his anemia, they do this during dialysis so he does not need to be poked. He is currently at 10.8 for his Hgb

He continues to eat a restricted diet. They are still monitoring his sodium, potassium and phosphorous. He is doing well and no binders are needed at this time.

They are continuing to monitor the risk of renal bone disease. He is on supplements and meds via catheter to control renal osteodystrophy.

Dr Johnson, the psychologist who evaluates all transplant kids talked about the possibility of revisiting ADD meds to help with his concentration at school. He is still sleeping during class and has a very short attention span. It is hard enough for him to do well with his illness, having ADD on top of that makes it almost impossible.

Corey's transplant was discussed. My dad was found to be a blood type match, we are now waiting to see how many antigen matches he has. From what they could tell, My dad and and older brother are very similar. This will more than likely disqualify one of them in the future if the other donates. Corey would build up antibodies to the same antigens if my dad and older brother are the same. I had expressed interest in being tested hopefully on Monday... We will wait to see if Im a candidate and what my antigen markers show. The next step will be determining the best choice for the transplant. This will be based on blood type, number of antigen matches,social issues (babies and jobs) health of donor and willingness to donate.
Please Continue to pray for wisdom in the doctors and that I could be match so Corey does not have to go the National Donor list.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sweet lovely

My sweet baby girl and little man are getting so big....
here are some recent pics: