Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sweet Baby E

I had the pleasure of taking newborn pictures of Eden she is only 1 week old in this pictures.
I forgot how tiny they are
It was so fun to hold a newborn again!

Sweet baby was not happy during most of the shots but
I love this one showing daddy's love towards his new baby!

New family love!

My favorite I love how mom and dad are holding their new baby

Monday, January 6, 2014

Play dough recipe using Coconut Oil

This Winter has been pretty brutally cold -23 wind chill today yikes! Yet another day stuck at home. The kids are starting to go crazy... we are trying to stay busy with new activities or games. 

They love playing with Play dough 
however I feel like I am constantly 
buying new ones because they are getting dried out.  
So I checked out some recipes online but I added a new twist 
 I love coconut oil I could list off tons of reasons why it is good for you or the health benefits (maybe future blog post) but I love it! I even use in my coffee in the morning:) 

I gave the recipe a shot and it turn out perfect! Love that 

So here it is.... 

Coconut oil play dough recipe 
2 cups of Flour
1/2 cup of salt
2 tablespoons of cream of tartar
1 1/2 cups of boiling water
2 tablespoons of coconut oil
Food Coloring of your choice :) 

Mix all dry ingredients   
In a separate bowl put the coconut oil and food coloring 
together ( it won't mix up until the boiling 
water is in it) 
Add water to oil and food coloring stir up
Then quickly add to dry ingredients 
You want to make sure water is hot so the dough will
mix up well
Stir all together

After dough is mostly stirred up take out and knead it 

Your play dough should be ready to played with by little hands in no time. 

After the little ones are done playing for the day make sure you store it in a air tight container... so it will last longer :)